Racing Club faq

How many members do we intend to have in the club?

1. Membership Goal: We want to have 50 club members initially in Cartmell Racing Club

2. Racehorse Allocation:

  • Initially, we will have 1 racehorse

  • If more members join, we plan to add additional racehorses as follows:

    • 2 racehorses for 50 members.

    • 3 racehorses for 100 members.

    • And so on, with each additional 50 members leading to the inclusion of one more racehorse.

Is there a limit on how many members we take on?

Yes, no more than 200.

How much does it cost to join the club?

Cartmel Racing Club membership lasts 12 months from the day you join and costs an all-in price of £468

How does prize money get distributed?

We have a well-defined plan for distributing prize money to club members. Here’s a breakdown of the key points regarding the prize money distribution:

  1. Prize Money Dividend Period:

    • The club will run a prize money dividend period every 12 months

    • The calculation for club prize money will take place on January 1st of each calendar year.

  2. Calculation and Distribution:

    • The club prize money will be calculated on a monthly basis.

    • This monthly calculation allows for a fair distribution among members based on their membership periods.

  3. Qualification for Prize Money:

    • To qualify for prize money, a member must be part of the club for at least 6 consecutive months during the dividend period.

    • This requirement ensures that members joining late in the year have the opportunity to receive prize money without having to catch up on fees.

    • All membership fees must be up to date at the time of distribution for a member to qualify for the prize money.

  4. Distribution Timing:

    • Prize money will be divided among those who are club members at the time when the prize is won.

Our approach is fair and transparent, ensuring that both long-standing and newer members have an opportunity to benefit from the club’s prize money while maintaining membership fee consistency. If you have any specific questions or need further guidance on implementing this plan, please feel free to ask.

If a club member would like to know anything regarding the club’s horses or any general query, who should I contact?

The Cartmel Racing Club Manager will serve as the primary point of contact for members and will be responsible for keeping members informed about club matters. Here are the key points regarding the Manage’s role and communication methods:

  1. Single Point of Contact:

    • The Manager will be the sole point of contact for club members.

  2. Communication Channels:

    • The Manager will use various communication channels to keep members informed, including:

    • Telephone: Direct phone calls or voicemail messages.

    • Social Media: Updates and announcements through social media platforms

    • Email: Sending club-related information and updates via email.

    • Group WhatsApp messages:

  3. Timely Updates:

    • The Manager will ensure that members receive timely updates on all club matters, including racehorse performance, club events, financial matters, and any other relevant information.

  4. Accessibility:

While James may not be available for direct dialogue with members due to time limitations, members can trust that they will receive regular and comprehensive information through the designated communication channels.

Do all members receive tickets every time the club has a runner?

Ticket allocation can vary significantly between different racecourses. The club’s priority is to accommodate all member requests for tickets whenever possible. To make events more affordable for members, the club actively negotiates for discounted tickets when there is high demand. However, it’s important to note that there’s no guarantee of receiving a ticket when numerous members wish to attend a specific race day.

To ensure fairness, tickets are distributed among members on a rotating basis, allowing each member an opportunity to attend race days over time. It’s essential to clarify that tickets are provided exclusively to club members and cannot be extended to guests, friends, or family members. This approach aims to provide equal access to racecourse events while maintaining fair ticket allocation practices.

When is the horse entered/declared and can I plan my day at the races?

Entries for races are typically made either 6 or 7 days before the scheduled race day. The final declaration stage, when it is confirmed whether your horse will participate, takes place at 10 a.m. on the day before the race. The exception to this rule is when the race is scheduled for a Sunday; in that case, the final declaration is made on the preceding Friday.

It’s important to note that you can expect to know whether your horse will run shortly after the 10 am declaration time. The Club manager will promptly contact you with this information once it becomes available. However, this process does require owners to be flexible and prepared to make last-minute plans, given the relatively short time between final declarations and the actual race.

What do club members do on arrival to the races?

After the Cartmel Racing Club manager has allocated your ticket, which will be communicated to you at the declaration stage, you can start planning your race day experience. Many racecourses now offer free hospitality for owners, which typically includes a meal. Your complimentary badge provides you with access to all areas of the racecourse, including the Owners and Trainers bar. Additionally, there is usually a private area designated for owners to watch their horse race. For those fortunate enough to have a winning horse, an extra treat awaits. Winning owners are often invited back to a private suite at the racecourse, where they can indulge in a glass or two of champagne while watching the replay of the race. If you haven’t had the chance to experience this, it is highly recommended for the unique and exciting experience it offers. It’s a great way to celebrate the success of your horse and enjoy the thrill of the race day to the fullest.

Can I go racing if the club hasn’t allocated me a ticket?

Absolutely, you are welcome to attend and enjoy the race day experience with Cartmel Racing Club members. The Club will make every effort to secure a ticket for you so that you can join the festivities. While parade ring access for the race in which the Club has a runner cannot be guaranteed, the Club will make a sincere effort to facilitate it whenever possible. Your presence at the racecourse will provide an opportunity to meet fellow Club members and immerse yourself in the excitement of the day.

What happens if a club horse is sold or is no longer able to race?

It’s important for Cartmel Racing Club members to be aware that the Club leases its horses, and as a result, members do not have any entitlement to proceeds from the sale of a Club horse. This means that any financial transactions or benefits resulting from the sale of a horse remain with the Club and are not distributed to individual members.